Free BVH & FBX Pushup Animation for Unreal Engine, Unity 3D & Maya 3D – Test & Win Your Own 3d Animation!

push ups 3d animation
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Test and win your own custom animation!

To test out our new motion capture kit and best serve your needs, we would like you to join our animation contest!

Why the contest?

In order to test which formats (FBX, BVH) and which Skeletons (HumanIK, Unreal, 3dsmax, Mixamo) work best for animating, we have made a simple motion captured pushup animation file.

In this file you will find several different .fbx and .bvh file formats of the same animation that *should* work with the Unreal Engine 4, Blender, Maya 3D and Unity 3D.

In order to decide which formats we will need to use, we would like YOU to test out the files and give us feedback to which files were most easy to use.

…and… if you are so kind as to provide as with that feedback, you will get a chance to win a custom animation for free! (Ofcourse within limits of what is capable for the animator).

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you have experience working with one or more of the following:

So what do I need to do?

Follow these steps to enter the contest and have a chance at your own custom animation!

  1. Download our pushup mocap package; this contains all the different file formats that need testing
  2. Try out the different formats in the animating programs (e.g Unreal, Unity, Blender, Bvhacker) that you use.
  3. Note down your feedback
    1. Did the files actually work with your program?
    2. Which files were easiest to use?
  4. E-mail your feedback to:

Bonus points are given to entries that feature videos of our animation in action! A Chimpanzee or a robot doing pushups? Extra points there!

How long will the contest run for?

The contest will run when at least 50 useful feedback replies have been received! When reaching that number we will post it on our blog with announcement of the winner!

Thank you for your time, and hopefully we’ll see you’re end result on our blog!

Remember to e-mail your feedback to:

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