Maya 3d sex animations
So you want to start making your own erotic game with Maya 3d? You’ve came to the right place. Our motion captured sex animations can help you give that naughty edge to your game!
Go to YouTube, watch our videotutorial, and make your first sex animation for free in 10 minutes!
Our Mocap sex animation in action in Second Life
What is Maya 3D?
Autodesk Maya also know as Maya 3D is a software program that enables creators to make 3d models of environments and most famously, animations. Maya is a powerfull tool when it comes to creating ”rigs”. Rigging is the process in which objects are linked hierarchically to create a skeleton that can be animated, like a puppet. Rigging makes the animation process much faster and efficient.
Can I use .bvh animations with Maya 3D?
Bvh sex animations cannot be uploaded to Maya 3D directly. With the help from scripts or 3rd party plugins you can import .bvh files to Maya 3D. MotionBuilder (also by AutoDesk) can make .bvh animations Maya compatible, check out this video if you use MotionBuilder.
A faster way is to add a little script to your Maya software that will enable you to upload .bvh animations directly. Read this one-paragraph tutorial and import the Python script to Maya and you should be good to go!
Try your first sex animation for free
Now that you’ve read up on how to start making animations work for use in Maya 3D, you can have a crack at your first animation for free. We have a rough sex animation here at zero cost that can be used to try and get a hang of things first!
If you’ve worked it all out and you’re ready for more… try our sex animation super pack! It features all of our sex animations at a big discount.
The complete pack features 15 motion captured sex animations.
Our sex animations in action
To see what you can do with our animations please check out our Second Life store. Second Life is a virtual world built with the RAGE engine. We have created a lot of adult-oriented products with our motion captured animations that people all over the virtual world of Second Life use daily! We sell them on our Second Life Marketplace Store where they are combined with different types of furniture:
- Bathrooms
- Living rooms
- Bedrooms
- Patio furniture
- Camping equipment
Our animations are also featured in Heads-Up-Displays. This enables the gamers to use are animations by simply pressing buttons on there interface. If you’d like to know more about making a HUD in Second Life, check out our HUD post!