Yetişkin Discord Kanalımıza Katılın!

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Join our adult discord channel here! A place where the explicit banter you’re used to getting in-world made available for you on our adult discord channel off-grid!

What is Discord?

Discord is a (group)chat service with text, audio & video capabilities. It is mainly focused on communities and is used as an online hangout for people with similair interests. Seamless switching between texting, voicing and videochatting makes Discord a viable option for virtual communities. According to IGN Discord was released in May 2015 and has over 150 million monthly users.

Read our partners’ blog about adult videochat for more information!

How do I make an account for the Adult Discord Channel?

If you wish to join our server but you don’t have a Discord account, you can follow these steps here. Summarized:

  1. Download Discord for your desktop, Android Play Store veya iOS app store.
    1. You may not be able to enter our HJH server via iOS, as it is designated ”adult”! You will have to either use the desktop, web or Android version of the Discord client! The web client can be found Buraya!
  2.  Create your account. You can do it via your app version or the web version.
  3. Claim your account: verify it via e-mail
  4. Once you’ve logged in, click this invite to join the HJH adult discord server.

Where can I find the HJH in-world?

As stated in our opening paragraph; you can also visit the HJH in-world in the virtual world of Second Life (SL)! Here the HJH hosts one of the bigger virtual adult cinema’s in cyberspace. To visit us in the virtual world you will need a SL account which you can create for free via Bu link. Download the SL viewer! Once you’re good to go simply click Bu link while being logged in on your SL viewer, and when opening the viewer tab again you will be teleported to our location! Time to watch some movies! Happy viewing & chatting! adult discord

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