3D Soccer animation, motion captured
This 3d soccer animation features four motion captured animations. The animations include passing and goal kicking and are ideal for photography purposes.
Lihat, Coba & Beli
Cobalah animasi di toko inworld kami in Second Life (SL) di sini!
Beli animasi di toko SL marketplace kami di sini!
Versi Second Life kami dilengkapi dengan HUD, Anda cukup membeli HUD dari toko marketplace kami -> klik kanan -> kenakan dan Anda siap untuk pergi!
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara membuat hud bebas poseball yang memungkinkan Anda menggunakan animasi Anda di mana saja, lihat blog kami untuk tips & skrip!
The animation sequences
This pack contains four soccer animations.
- quick kick animation
- slow kick animation
- quick pass animation
- slow pass animation
Our sets are animations that can be easily used via the hud, no poseballs or rezzing of items is required! Check our marketplace store at Second Life to get our full-rights HUD (Heads-up-display) in-world!
Other 3d bvh animations
Something other than our 3d soccer animation? Check out our related animations! Ideal to keep you fit and even freshen up after!
All our animations are listed on the Second Life (SL) Marketplace. The animations are full-rights. That means you can copy and resell them in SL. You cannot however, export the animation. If you wish to use this animation in other virtual worlds or software programmes, please purchase the bvh animation files.
Disclaimer relating to our 3d soccer animation
By Buying and Using this 3d animation product you agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Do not resell this 3d bvh animation set but use it as-is, use it in your own creations.
2. Do not resell this 3d bvh animation set in Second Life full permission, either modify/copy or modify/transfer